What was the Pendleton Civil Service Act intended to reform? (1 point) Responses veterans' benefits veterans' benefits federal hiring practices federal hiring practices state spending policies state spending policies military recruitment policies

The Pendleton Civil Service Act was intended to reform federal hiring practices.

The Pendleton Civil Service Act was intended to reform federal hiring practices.

The Pendleton Civil Service Act was intended to reform federal hiring practices. To find this answer on your own, you can start by researching the Pendleton Civil Service Act. This was a law passed in 1883 in the United States. It aimed to reform the federal government's hiring practices by implementing a merit-based system. Before this act, government positions were often awarded based on political connections or patronage. However, the Act sought to establish a system where applicants would be selected based on their qualifications and capabilities, rather than their political affiliations. By implementing a civil service exam, the Act aimed to create a fair and unbiased process for filling government job positions. This was a significant change in the way federal employees were hired and marked a transition towards a more professional and efficient public service.