Which statement best summarizes the influence of the environment on the Olmec Empire?(1 point) Responses The volcanic land provided tar and clay to use in constructing buildings, pyramids, and temples for shelter and worship. The volcanic land provided tar and clay to use in constructing buildings, pyramids, and temples for shelter and worship. The jungle area provided natural resources to use in developing irrigation systems to control the rivers and create raised land. The jungle area provided natural resources to use in developing irrigation systems to control the rivers and create raised land. The rivers provided an avenue to migrate to other territories to expand their empire to other regions of Mexico. The rivers provided an avenue to migrate to other territories to expand their empire to other regions of Mexico. The jungle area provided a variety of natural food sources indigenous to the tropical climate. The jungle area provided a variety of natural food sources indigenous to the tropical climate.

The jungle area provided natural resources to use in developing irrigation systems to control the rivers and create raised land.

The statement that best summarizes the influence of the environment on the Olmec Empire is: "The jungle area provided natural resources to use in developing irrigation systems to control the rivers and create raised land."

To arrive at this answer, we need to assess the options and consider the impact of the environment on the Olmec civilization. The Olmec Empire was located in an area known for its dense jungle and volcanic land, both of which played a significant role in shaping the civilization.

The first option mentions the availability of tar and clay from the volcanic land, which were used in constructing buildings, pyramids, and temples. While this is true, it does not directly address the influence of the environment on the Olmec Empire.

The second option states that the jungle area provided natural resources for developing irrigation systems to control rivers and create raised land. This option directly relates to the Olmec Empire's ability to manipulate the environment to their advantage, suggesting an influence that impacted their agriculture and infrastructure.

The third option mentions the rivers providing a means for migration and expansion of the empire. Although the rivers were undoubtedly significant for trade and communication, this option does not specifically address the influence of the environment.

The fourth option highlights the variety of natural food sources in the jungle area, which is another aspect of the environment that had an influence on the Olmec Empire. However, it does not address the specific impact on their infrastructure or development.

Considering all the options, the second statement about developing irrigation systems using natural resources to control rivers and create raised land best summarizes the influence of the environment on the Olmec Empire.

A. the jungle area provided natural resources to use in developing irrigation systems to control the rivers and create raised land.

The jungle area provided a variety of natural food sources indigenous to the tropical climate.