c+7 more grater 3

The expression "c+7 more than 3" can be written as:

c + 7 > 3

which is a pronoun


All three words "he," "she," and "you" are pronouns.

To solve the inequality "c + 7 > 3", follow these steps:

1. Start with the inequality: c + 7 > 3.

2. Subtract 7 from both sides of the inequality to isolate the variable c. This gives: c + 7 - 7 > 3 - 7.

Simplifying this equation, we get: c > -4.

Therefore, the solution to the inequality c + 7 > 3 is c > -4.

It seems like you want to compare an expression involving "c+7" with the number 3. Here's how you can get the answer:

Step 1: Simplify the expression "c + 7" by combining the terms "c" and "7" together. This means adding the values of "c" and "7" to get a single value.
- For example, if "c" is equal to 4, then "c + 7" would be equal to 4 + 7 = 11.

Step 2: Once you have simplified the expression, compare it with the number 3 using the comparative operator "greater than" (>).
- For example, if "c + 7" simplifies to 11, you would compare it with 3, as follows: 11 > 3.

If the expression "c + 7" is greater than 3, then the statement "c + 7 > 3" is true. Otherwise, if it is not greater, then the statement is false.