Value and contrast are both seen in this image. What would be a proper definition of contrast for this image?

A. Difference in the lines used
B. Difference used in the shapes
C. Difference in the size of the objects
D. Difference in the light and dark values

D. Difference in the light and dark values

D. Difference in the light and dark values

To determine the proper definition of contrast for this image, we can analyze the given options:

A. Difference in the lines used: Look at the lines in the image. Do they appear distinct and different from each other? If yes, then line contrast is present.

B. Difference used in the shapes: Analyze the shapes in the image. Do they have distinct and varied shapes? If yes, then shape contrast is present.

C. Difference in the size of the objects: Observe the objects in the image. Are they different in terms of their size or scale? If yes, then size contrast is present.

D. Difference in the light and dark values: Assess the image for variations in lightness and darkness. Do you notice differences in the brightness or darkness of various elements? If yes, then value contrast is present.

From the given options, D, "Difference in the light and dark values," is the most appropriate definition of contrast for this image. It refers to the variation between the light and dark areas in the image, which helps create visual interest, depth, and dimension.