What type of appeal is used in the following passage?

Vote for Proposition 999 because it is the patriotic thing to do.



B. emotional

B. emotional

The type of appeal used in the given passage is emotional.

To identify the type of appeal used in a passage, you need to understand the different types of appeals: logical appeal (logos) and emotional appeal (pathos).

Logical appeal (logos) uses reasoning, facts, evidence, and logical arguments to persuade the audience. It aims to convince people through a rational and logical approach.

On the other hand, emotional appeal (pathos) appeals to the audience's emotions, values, beliefs, and personal experiences to persuade them. It aims to evoke an emotional response from the audience to support or take action based on emotions.

In the given passage, the appeal is made by claiming that voting for Proposition 999 is the patriotic thing to do. This statement aims to appeal to the audience's emotions and their sense of pride and loyalty toward their country. It encourages them to support the proposition not based on factual or logical arguments, but on the emotional connection to their country. Therefore, the type of appeal used in this passage is emotional (pathos).