It's important to eat citrus fruits every day. These include oranges, lemons, and grapefruit.

Which type of context clue is used to help readers understand the words citrus fruit?

The type of context clue used to help readers understand the words "citrus fruit" is definition.

The type of context clue used to help readers understand the words "citrus fruit" is example.

The type of context clue used to help readers understand the words "citrus fruit" is an example. The sentence provides a list of examples that fall under the category of citrus fruits, which includes oranges, lemons, and grapefruit. By providing specific examples, the sentence helps readers understand the meaning of the term "citrus fruit."

Trust me these answers are right I made a 100

2.has the opposite meaning of another word
I hope you make a 100 /)_/)
( '^')