DNA string of pearls because

A. both are colorful
B. both are rare
C. the shape of both looks similar
D. the patterns of both never change

The correct answer is C. the shape of both looks similar. The term "DNA string of pearls" is used to describe the appearance of DNA when it is coiled tightly and appears as a string of small beads or pearls. This description is based on the similarity in appearance between DNA and a string of pearls.

The answer is C. the shape of both looks similar.

DNA is often referred to as a "string" because it is a long chain-like structure consisting of nucleotides. Pearls, on the other hand, are small, round, and usually strung together to form a necklace or other jewelry. Both DNA and pearls have a similar shape, with a string-like or bead-like appearance respectively. Therefore, the shape of both DNA and pearls looks similar.

The correct answer is C. the shape of both looks similar.

To arrive at this answer, we first need to understand what a DNA string and pearls are.

A DNA string is a sequence of nucleotides that represents the genetic information in an organism. It is composed of four different nucleotides: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). These nucleotides link together in a specific sequence to form the double helix structure of DNA.

On the other hand, pearls are hard, smooth objects produced by living organisms called mollusks, such as oysters and mussels. They are formed when an irritant, like a grain of sand or a parasite, enters the shell of the mollusk. Over time, the mollusk secretes layers of calcium carbonate around the irritant, forming a pearl.

Now, let's go through the given options to determine the correct answer:

A. both are colorful: While it's true that some pearls can have color variations, many pearls are white or off-white. DNA strings, on the other hand, are not colorful since they are not visible to the naked eye. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

B. both are rare: While pearls are generally considered valuable and can be rare depending on their size, shape, and quality, DNA strings are not considered rare. In fact, every living organism has DNA. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

C. the shape of both looks similar: This is the correct answer. The structure of a DNA string resembles a twisted ladder or a double helix. Similarly, pearls have a round or spherical shape. So, in terms of their shape, they do look similar.

D. the patterns of both never change: This option is incorrect. The patterns of a DNA string do not remain constant. Mutations can occur in DNA, leading to changes in the genetic information within an organism. Pearls, on the other hand, maintain their shape and appearance once they are formed.

In conclusion, the correct answer is C. the shape of both looks similar because both DNA strings and pearls share a similar rounded or spherical shape.