A chef can make 20 pieces of chicken per hour. How many pieces of chicken can the chef make in 5 hours?(1 point)

The chef can make  pieces of chicken.

The chef can make 20 * 5 = <<20*5=100>>100 pieces of chicken. Answer: \boxed{100}.

Mr. Abiona has 112 students in all of his classes. If he has a total of 4 classes, how many students are in each of his classes on average?(1 point)

Mr. Abiona will average  students in each of his 4 classes.

To find the average, we divide the total number of students by the number of classes: 112 students / 4 classes = <<112/4=28>>28 students in each class. Answer: \boxed{28}.

The Northwestern High School basketball team won the championship this year. The MVP award will go to the player who scored the most points per game. Player A scored 345 points and played in 15 games. Player B scored 468 points in 18 games played. Which player should win the MVP award? Choose 1 for player A and 2 for player B.(1 point)

To determine who should win the MVP award, we need to calculate the points per game for each player.

For Player A: 345 points / 15 games = 23 points per game.
For Player B: 468 points / 18 games = 26 points per game.

Player B has a higher average of 26 points per game compared to Player A's average of 23 points per game. Therefore, Player B should win the MVP award. Choose \boxed{2} for Player B.

Mrs. Baker is throwing her class an end-of-the-year pizza party. She has two choices as to where she can buy the pizza from. Pizza Palace has a deal where she can buy 8 pizzas for $124. Patty’s Pizza has a deal where she can buy 9 pizzas for $130. Which pizza shop has the lowest cost per pizza? Choose 1 for Pizza Palace and 2 for Patty’s Pizza.(1 point)

To determine which pizza shop has the lowest cost per pizza, we need to calculate the cost per pizza for each option.

For Pizza Palace: $124 / 8 pizzas = $15.50 per pizza.
For Patty's Pizza: $130 / 9 pizzas = $14.44 per pizza.

Therefore, Patty's Pizza has the lowest cost per pizza at $14.44. Choose \boxed{2} for Patty's Pizza.

Perfect Pools is a pool company that cleans pools. They have two pools to fill before the pools can open. Pool A can hold 30,000 gallons and takes 6 hours to fill. Pool B can hold 38,000 gallons and takes 7 hours to fill. Which pool will fill up at a faster rate? Choose 1 for pool A and 2 for pool B.(1 point)

To determine which pool will fill up at a faster rate, we need to calculate the rate at which each pool fills up.

For Pool A: 30,000 gallons / 6 hours = 5,000 gallons per hour.
For Pool B: 38,000 gallons / 7 hours = 5,428.57 gallons per hour (rounded to 2 decimal places).

Therefore, Pool B fills up at a faster rate of 5,428.57 gallons per hour, compared to 5,000 gallons per hour for Pool A. Choose \boxed{2} for Pool B.

To find out how many pieces of chicken the chef can make in 5 hours, we can multiply the number of pieces the chef can make in 1 hour by the number of hours.

Given that the chef can make 20 pieces of chicken per hour, we can calculate by multiplying 20 by 5:

20 (pieces per hour) x 5 (hours) = 100 pieces.

Therefore, the chef can make 100 pieces of chicken in 5 hours.