A) Which body systems can you control in this activity for the virtual person? Select all that apply (5 points)

Oxygen Need
Food Intake
Blood Delivery
Body Temperature
Blood Pressure

Food Intake

Blood Pressure

Based on the options provided, the body systems that can be controlled in this activity for the virtual person are:

1. Food Intake
2. Sleep
3. Glucose
4. Blood Delivery
5. Body Temperature

These options can be controlled to some extent through external factors or interventions. However, it is important to note that controlling these body systems in a virtual person may not have the same level of physiological impact as controlling them in a real biological organism.

In order to determine which body systems you can control in this activity for the virtual person, we need to understand the function and regulation of each system.

1. Oxygen Need: While it is possible to control the environment and manipulate the availability of oxygen, the body's demand for oxygen is regulated automatically by the respiratory system based on factors like physical activity, altitude, and health conditions. Therefore, controlling oxygen need directly is not possible.

2. Food Intake: You can control food intake as it is a conscious decision. This action affects the digestive system, which processes and extracts nutrients from food to fuel the body.

3. Sleep: Sleep is a natural process controlled by the body's internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm. While you can create an environment conducive to sleep, controlling when the virtual person falls asleep or wakes up is not possible.

4. Glucose: Glucose levels in the body are regulated by the endocrine system, primarily through the actions of the pancreas and the hormone insulin. Controlling glucose levels directly is not possible in this activity.

5. Blood Delivery: Blood delivery is controlled by the circulatory system, specifically the heart that pumps blood and the blood vessels that transport it. You cannot directly control blood delivery.

6. Pulse: The pulse represents the heart rate, which is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. While you cannot directly control the virtual person's pulse, you can indirectly impact it through physical activity or stress.

7. Body Temperature: The body's temperature is regulated by the thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus of the brain. While you cannot directly control the virtual person's body temperature, you can manipulate the environment to influence it.

8. Blood Pressure: Blood pressure is determined by various factors, including heart rate, blood volume, and the diameter of blood vessels. While you cannot directly control blood pressure, certain activities like exercise or relaxation techniques can influence it.

Based on the explanations above, the body systems you can control in this activity for the virtual person are:

- Food Intake
- Body Temperature