Rewrite the following statement as a conditional statement:

Apples grow on trees.

1 point
If it is not a fruit, then it is not an apple.
If a fruit is an apple, then it grows on a tree.
If it grows on a tree, it is an apple.
Apples are a fruit if and only if they grow on a tree.

If something grows on a tree, then it is an apple.

can you explian?

Sure! A conditional statement is usually written in the form "If A, then B." In this case, the original statement is "Apples grow on trees." To rewrite it as a conditional statement, we need to identify the condition and the consequence.

The condition in this case is "something grows on a tree," and the consequence is "it is an apple." Therefore, the conditional statement would be "If something grows on a tree, then it is an apple."

This means that if we observe something growing on a tree, we can conclude that it is an apple. However, it does not necessarily mean that all apples must grow on trees.

If something is an apple, then it grows on a tree.

The correct conditional statement that rewrites the given statement "Apples grow on trees" is: "If something is an apple, then it grows on a tree."