Use long division to convert 2716 to a decimal.(1 point)


Using long division, we can convert 2716 to a decimal as follows:

2716 ÷ 1000 = 2 remainder 716

716 ÷ 100 = 7 remainder 16

16 ÷ 10 = 1 remainder 6

Therefore, 2716 in decimal form is 2.716.

To convert 2716 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Divide the first digit of the number (2) by the divisor. In this case, the divisor is 1.

2 ÷ 1 = 2

2. Multiply the quotient (2) by the divisor (1) and subtract the product from the first digit of the number (2).

2 - (2 x 1) = 0

3. Bring down the next digit of the number (7) next to the remainder (0) to form the new dividend.

New dividend: 07

4. Divide the new dividend (07) by the divisor (1).

07 ÷ 1 = 7

5. Multiply the quotient (7) by the divisor (1) and subtract the product from the new dividend (07).

07 - (7 x 1) = 0

6. Bring down the next digit of the number (1) next to the remainder (0) to form the new dividend.

New dividend: 01

7. Divide the new dividend (01) by the divisor (1).

01 ÷ 1 = 1

8. Multiply the quotient (1) by the divisor (1) and subtract the product from the new dividend (01).

01 - (1 x 1) = 0

9. Bring down the last digit of the number (6) next to the remainder (0) to form the new dividend.

New dividend: 06

10. Divide the new dividend (06) by the divisor (1).

06 ÷ 1 = 6

11. Multiply the quotient (6) by the divisor (1) and subtract the product from the new dividend (06).

06 - (6 x 1) = 0

Since the remainder is 0 and there are no more digits to bring down, the long division process is complete.

The decimal representation of 2716 is 2.716.

To convert 2716 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Begin by setting up the division problem with the dividend (2716) on the inside and the divisor (1000) on the outside. The divisor is determined based on the number of digits after the decimal point you want to convert to. In this case, we want to convert it to a whole number without any decimals, so the divisor is 1000.

1000 | 2716

2. Divide the first digit of the dividend (2) by the divisor (1000). Write the result (0) above the horizontal line.

1000 | 2716

3. Multiply the result obtained in Step 2 (0) by the divisor (1000), and subtract it from the current dividend (2716). Write the result (2716) underneath the horizontal line.

1000 | 2716

4. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (7) and write it next to the result obtained in Step 2 (0).

1000 | 2716

5. Divide the new number (27) by the divisor (1000), and write the result (0) next to the previous result (0) above the horizontal line.

1000 | 2716
0 0

6. Multiply the new result (0) by the divisor (1000), and subtract it from the current dividend (2716). Write the result (2716) underneath the horizontal line.

1000 | 2716
0 0

7. Again, bring down the next digit of the dividend (1) and write it next to the previous results (00).

1000 | 2716
0 0 0

8. Divide the new number (1) by the divisor (1000), and write the result (0) next to the previous results (000) above the horizontal line.

1000 | 2716
0 0 0 0

9. Multiply the new result (0) by the divisor (1000), and subtract it from the current dividend (2716). Write the result (2716) underneath the horizontal line.

1000 | 2716
0 0 0 0

10. Since the result of this subtraction is 0, there are no more digits to bring down. The long division process is complete.

11. The final decimal form of 2716 is 2.716