The thesis statement belongs at the end of the first paragraph. Use the sentences below to identify which statement would be considered a WEAK thesis statement.

Today's films do not have the emotional impact of the classic horror films of the 1940s.
Many people do not like to watch violent horror films.

Today's films do not have the emotional impact of the classic horror films of the 1940s.

The statement "Many people do not like to watch violent horror films" would be considered a WEAK thesis statement.

To identify which statement would be considered a weak thesis statement, we need to understand the characteristics of a strong thesis statement. A strong thesis statement should clearly express the main point or argument of the essay, be specific, and present a debatable claim.

In this case, "Today's films do not have the emotional impact of the classic horror films of the 1940s" would be considered a weak thesis statement. While it does express an opinion, it lacks specificity and is not easily debatable. It does not provide any evidence or reasoning for why today's films lack emotional impact, making it a weak thesis statement.

On the other hand, "Many people do not like to watch violent horror films" is not a thesis statement, but rather a general statement about people's preferences. It does not present a clear argument or main point that can be further explored in the essay.

Therefore, neither statement is a strong thesis statement. To develop a stronger thesis statement, it would be helpful to provide more specific details and arguments to support the main point.