In order to overcome death, Egyptians believed that they needed to? tribute to the pharaoh in gold and grain

2. preserve their bodies in the afterlife

3. burn their bodies in the temple to become smoke

4.Have their bodies buried beside the Nile

2. preserve their bodies in the afterlife

The correct answer is:

2. preserve their bodies in the afterlife

The correct answer is option 2: preserve their bodies in the afterlife.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the question and the provided options. The question asks about what Egyptians believed they needed to do in order to overcome death. The options provide possible actions or beliefs held by the Egyptians.

Option 1 suggests paying tribute to the pharaoh in gold and grain. While it is true that Egyptians did make offerings to their pharaohs, this act was typically seen as a way to show loyalty and support, rather than a means to overcome death.

Option 2 proposes preserving their bodies in the afterlife. This aligns with the well-known practice of Egyptian mummification. Egyptians believed that by preserving the body through mummification, the soul could reunite with it in the afterlife.

Option 3 states that Egyptians needed to burn their bodies in the temple to become smoke. There is no evidence or historical records indicating that Egyptians believed burning their bodies would assist in overcoming death. Moreover, the process of mummification involved preserving the body rather than destroying it.

Option 4 suggests that Egyptians needed to have their bodies buried beside the Nile. While the Nile was considered a vital part of Egyptian life and culture, there is no direct association between burying bodies there and overcoming death.

By assessing each option in relation to the beliefs and practices of ancient Egyptians, we can determine that option 2, preserving their bodies in the afterlife, is the correct answer.