Chinchillas are rodents that live in rocky habitats in South America. They have extremely thick fur and will roll around vigorously in dust or volcanic ash to distribute natural oils and clean dirt and debris from their coats. Which environment would a chinchilla find most comfortable?(1 point) Responses grassland grassland mountain mountain rainforest rainforest swamp



A chinchilla would find a mountain environment most comfortable because they are adapted to rocky habitats.

Are you sure that it is mountain

Apologies for any confusion. While chinchillas are known to inhabit rocky habitats, they are adaptable animals and can also be found in grasslands and shrublands in their native South American range. Therefore, they can be comfortable in both mountainous and grassland environments. The specific preference may vary based on factors such as availability of food, shelter, and temperature.

It says to only pick 1 answer

If you need to select only one answer, then based on the given options, the most suitable answer would be mountain.

Ok but if I'm wrong ima beat you up

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Which environment experiences the most extreme temperature changes between day and night?(1 point) Responses forest forest desert desert swamp swamp mountain