The average distance from Earth to Mars is 2.25 * 10 ^ 8 * k*pi , and the distance from Earth to Neptune is 4.3514 * 10 ^ 9 km. How much farther is Neptune from Earth than Mars? Express your answer in scientific notation Do not round your answer(1 point)

Neptune is farther from Earth than Mars by (4.3514 * 10^9 km) - (2.25 * 10^8 * k * pi) km.

To find the difference in distance between Neptune and Mars from Earth, we can subtract the average distance from Mars to Earth from the distance from Neptune to Earth.

Let's say the average distance from Mars to Earth is represented by dM, and the distance from Neptune to Earth is represented by dN.

dM = 2.25 * 10^8 * k * π
dN = 4.3514 * 10^9 km

We want to find dN - dM.

Substituting the values given:
dN - dM = (4.3514 * 10^9 km) - (2.25 * 10^8 * k * π)

The answer is the difference between these two distances.

So, the answer is: (4.3514 * 10^9 km) - (2.25 * 10^8 * k * π)

To find the difference in distance between Neptune and Mars, we need to subtract the average distance from Earth to Mars from the distance from Earth to Neptune.

The average distance from Earth to Mars is given as 2.25 * 10^8 * k*pi.

The distance from Earth to Neptune is given as 4.3514 * 10^9 km.

To find the difference, we subtract the average distance to Mars from the distance to Neptune:

(4.3514 * 10^9 km) - (2.25 * 10^8 * k*pi)

Since we don't have a specific value for k, we can't calculate the exact difference. However, we can still express the difference in scientific notation:

4.3514 * 10^9 km - 2.25 * 10^8 * k*pi km

Keep in mind that the value of k affects the actual numerical difference between the distances.