Which one is not a fruit?

(1 point)

la fresa
la fresa

la naranja
la naranja

la salchicha
la salchicha

la manzana

la salchicha

The option "la salchicha" is not a fruit.

To determine which one is not a fruit, you need to identify the item that is not commonly known as a fruit. Let's analyze the options:

1. La fresa: La fresa is the Spanish word for strawberry, which is a fruit.
2. La naranja: La naranja is the Spanish word for orange, which is also a fruit.
3. La salchicha: La salchicha is the Spanish word for sausage, which is not a fruit.
4. La manzana: La manzana is the Spanish word for apple, which is a fruit.

Therefore, the item that is not a fruit among the given options is "la salchicha" (the sausage).