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Of course! I'm here to help. What do you need assistance with?

Which research question would lead to the most relevant information about how composting local restaurants' food waste will affect the community's farmers?

Where can farmers find local restaurants that compost waste?
Where do local restaurants learn to compost their food waste?
How can local restaurants convince farmers to compost food waste?
Do farmers benefit by composting local restaurants' food waste?

The research question "Do farmers benefit by composting local restaurants' food waste?" would likely lead to the most relevant information about how composting local restaurants' food waste will affect the community's farmers.

Lindsey wants to know the difference between fantasy and science fiction novels. Which research question would provide her with the most important information?

What are the main characteristics of novels listed as fantasy and science fiction?
Why is science fiction usually set in a futuristic world or feature spaceships?
What are the names of some novels published in fantasy and science fiction?
Why are fantasy novels usually set in the Middle Ages or feature dragons?

The research question "What are the main characteristics of novels listed as fantasy and science fiction?" would provide Lindsey with the most important information to understand the difference between fantasy and science fiction novels.

(1) People in tropical areas around the world have enjoyed drinking coconut water for ages. (2) However, in just the last few years, its popularity has boomed, and it can now be found on U.S. supermarket shelves. (3) Companies that market coconut water are singing its praises, saying it is "nature's sports drink." (4) They also claim it has some important health benefits. (5) However, coconut water may just be another passing fad.

(6) Even those who enjoy it admit that the drink is an acquired taste because of its unusual flavor. (7) Some people think it has a nutty, sour taste while others swear it tastes like old socks. (8) Coconut water's popularity is not based so much on its taste but rather on its other qualities. (9) Ads for coconut water claim it can improve circulation and even decrease the chances of heart disease and stroke. (10) These claims are based on the fact that coconut water is high in potassium, a vital nutrient.
(11) Potassium is also essential because people lose much of it when they work out or sweat. (12) Many companies that bottle coconut water assert that the water can help people refill their lost potassium. (13) There are a lot of sports drinks rich with potassium on the market. (14) Sports drinks have many additional nutrients, such as other vitamins and minerals, that coconut water does not have. (15) In addition, if a person eats enough vegetables and fruits, like bananas, he or she is probably getting enough potassium without the help of coconut water or a sports drink. (16) The fact is, unless one is a serious athlete who exercises heavily, coconut water isn't needed. (17) For the average person, good old water is likely the only drink required.
Which transitional word or phrase should be added to the beginning of sentence 13?
To summarize,
As a result,
The author should add, "You may be in for a surprise if you are trying coconut for the first time," before
sentence 6.
sentence 2.
sentence 10.
sentence 15.

To summarize, the transitional word or phrase that should be added to the beginning of sentence 13 is "As a result."

answer BOTH questions

My apologies for missing the second question, here are the answers:

Transitional word or phrase for sentence 13: "As a result"

The author should add the phrase, "You may be in for a surprise if you are trying coconut for the first time," before sentence 6.

(1) The Galapagos Islands are located around 600 miles to the west of Ecuador, a country in South America. (2) These islands were first discovered in 1535. (3) They were named in Spanish as "Isolas de Galapagos," which meant the "Islands of the Tortoises," from sailors' accounts of a large number of tortoises inhabiting the isles.

(4) These islands are home to active volcanos, meaning the volcanos here can erupt at any time. (5) Volcanic eruptions created the archipelago, or a group of islands, which forms the Galapagos. (6) They are a collection of sixteen islands scattered over an area of 36,000 square miles near the equator. (7) Each of these major islands was created from a single volcanic eruption.
(8) The Galapagos Islands have a unique and diverse variety of life forms. (9) Therefore, they have been called the "living laboratory" of evolution. (10) They are home to many life forms that are endemic, which means they are not found anywhere else on Earth. (11) The animals here show no fear of humans. (12) The marine iguanas, giant tortoises, and flightless cormorants prove the evolutionary change they underwent to adapt themselves to the unique ecosystem. (13) Although all the islands share similar volcanic composition, environment, and climate, each isolated isle has its own unique set of animals and plants. (14) These islands played an important role in helping Charles Darwin explore and develop the theory of evolution.
Which sentence in paragraph 3 needs to be removed?
(12) The marine iguanas, giant tortoises, and flightless cormorants prove the evolutionary change they underwent to adapt themselves to the unique ecosystem.
(10) They are home to many life forms that are endemic, which means they are not found anywhere else on Earth.
(11) The animals here show no fear of humans.
(9) Therefore, they have been called the "living laboratory" of evolution.