Which of the following is punctuated correctly? The teacher asked us to bring the following colors of highlighters: green, blue, yellow, orange and pink. No CHANGE ,The teacher asked us to bring the following colors of highlighters, green, blue, yellow, orange and pink. The teacher asked us to bring the following colors of highlighters: green, blue, yellow, orange, and pink. The teacher asked us to bring the following colors of highlighters, green, blue, yellow, orange, and pink.

The teacher asked us to bring the following colors of highlighters: green, blue, yellow, orange, and pink.

The correct punctuation is: The teacher asked us to bring the following colors of highlighters: green, blue, yellow, orange, and pink.

The correct punctuation is: "The teacher asked us to bring the following colors of highlighters: green, blue, yellow, orange, and pink."

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the rules of punctuation for listing items. In this case, we are listing the colors of highlighters: green, blue, yellow, orange, and pink.

When listing items in a sentence, it's common to use a colon (:) before the list. This introduces the list and indicates that the items listed will follow.

In addition, it is also important to use a comma (,) between each item in the list. This helps to separate the items and make the sentence easier to read and understand.

Looking at the options given, only the last one correctly includes both the colon and commas in the appropriate places: "The teacher asked us to bring the following colors of highlighters: green, blue, yellow, orange, and pink."