4. How old is Mateo? And how old does he pretend to be to get hired?(2 points)

Mateo is blank, but he pretends to be blank to get hired.

The information about Mateo's age and the age he pretends to be to get hired is not provided.

Unfortunately, I don't have any information on Mateo's age or his pretense in getting hired. Please provide more context or refer to a reliable source for this information.

To find out Mateo's age and the age he pretends to be, you would need more information. If you have access to Mateo's personal information, such as his birthdate or any official documents, you can determine his actual age.

If you don't have access to this information, you would need to rely on other sources, such as asking Mateo directly or finding out from someone who knows him well. It's important to note that pretending to be a different age to get hired is not ethical and can have legal consequences.

However, as an AI, I don't have access to personal information or the ability to contact individuals directly, so I cannot provide you with the specific ages you are looking for.