There are 480 children in a hall. 3 8 of them are boys. How msny more girls than boys are there?

To find out how many boys there are, we need to multiply the total number of children by the fraction 3/8: 480 children * 3 boys / 8 children = <<480*3/8=180>>180 boys

To find out how many more girls than boys there are, we subtract the number of boys from the total number of children: 480 children - 180 boys = <<480-180=300>>300 girls. Answer: \boxed{300}.

To find out how many girls there are, we need to subtract the number of boys from the total number of children.

Total number of children = 480
Number of boys = (3/8) x 480 = 180

Number of girls = Total number of children - Number of boys
Number of girls = 480 - 180 = 300

To find out how many more girls than boys there are, we subtract the number of boys from the number of girls.

Number of girls - Number of boys = 300 - 180 = 120

There are 120 more girls than boys in the hall.

To find out how many more girls than boys there are, we need to calculate the difference between the number of girls and the number of boys.

First, let's find the number of boys. We know that 3/8 of the total number of children are boys. To find the number of boys, we multiply the total number of children by 3/8:

Number of boys = (3/8) * 480
= (3 * 480) / 8
= 1440 / 8
= 180

Now, let's find the number of girls. We can subtract the number of boys from the total number of children:

Number of girls = Total number of children - Number of boys
= 480 - 180
= 300

To find how many more girls there are than boys, we subtract the number of boys from the number of girls:

Number of girls - Number of boys = 300 - 180 = 120

Therefore, there are 120 more girls than boys in the hall.