What are two of the functions of pandas and what do they mean?(1 point)


calculating measures of central tendency, calculating trigonometric problems
calculating measures of central tendency, calculating trigonometric problems
querying your dataset, grouping and aggregating your data
querying your dataset, grouping and aggregating your data
combining multiple datasets, sending data analysis to team members
combining multiple datasets, sending data analysis to team members
collecting data, cleaning data

querying your dataset, grouping and aggregating your data: This function allows you to extract specific subsets of data from your dataset based on certain conditions, as well as group your data based on certain variables and compute summary statistics for each group.

collecting data, cleaning data: This function allows you to collect data from various sources and import it into a pandas dataframe. It also provides tools for data cleaning, which involves tasks such as handling missing values, removing duplicates, and transforming data into the desired format.

The correct answer is:

querying your dataset, grouping and aggregating your data
combining multiple datasets, sending data analysis to team members


1. Pandas allows you to query your dataset, which means you can filter and select specific rows or columns based on certain conditions. This is useful when you want to extract specific information from your dataset.

2. Pandas also provides functions for grouping and aggregating your data. You can group your data based on one or more columns and then apply aggregate functions like sum, average, count, etc. to calculate summary statistics for each group. This is helpful when you want to analyze your data by different categories or groups.

Please note that the choices may be duplicated in the response options, but querying the dataset and grouping/aggregating the data are two of the main functions of pandas.

The correct answer is:

querying your dataset, grouping and aggregating your data

Pandas is a widely used Python library for data manipulation and analysis. Two of the main functions of pandas are:

1. Querying your dataset: Pandas provides various methods to filter and select specific parts of your dataset based on certain conditions. This allows you to extract the data that meets specific criteria, such as retrieving all rows where a certain column has a specific value or filtering based on ranges.

2. Grouping and aggregating your data: Pandas allows you to group your data based on certain criteria and perform aggregations on those groups. This means that you can calculate summary statistics, such as mean, sum, count, etc., for different groups of data.

By using these functions, you can efficiently explore and analyze your data, extract valuable insights, and gain a better understanding of your dataset.