Find the cube root of 512: ³√512

8, -,8

The cube root of 512 is 8.

To find the cube root of 512, you can either calculate it manually or use a calculator. The cube root of 512 is approximately equal to 8.

Find the cube root of -343 ³√-343

7, -7

The cube root of -343 is -7.

Find the cube root of 81: ³√81


Out of these answers


Apologies for the mistake in my previous response.

The cube root of 81 is 4.

To find the cube root of 512, you can use a calculator or apply the following steps:

1. Start by guessing a number that when cubed is close to 512. In this case, let's start with the easiest guess, which is 8.
2. Raise the guessed number to the power of 3 (cube it), so 8^3 = 512.
3. If your guess matches the number you started with (512), then the cube root of 512 is the number you guessed, which is 8.
4. If your guess is not equal to 512, then you need to refine your estimate with another guess.
5. To refine the estimate, divide 512 by your guess (8): 512 / 8 = 64.
6. Now, calculate a new guess by taking the average of your previous guess (8) and the result of the division (64): (8 + 64) / 2 = 36.
7. Repeat steps 2-6 until your guess is accurate enough for your desired level of precision (you can choose how many decimal places you want).
8. Following the steps above, you will find that the cube root of 512 is approximately equal to 8.

So, the answer is 8.

The cube root of 81 is 4.