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Identify the statement below that could be an example of a properly written long-term goal.
(1 point)

“When I go to school tomorrow, I am going to pay attention and raise my hand to answer questions.”
“When I go to school tomorrow, I am going to pay attention and raise my hand to answer questions.”

“I am going to practice a lot so I can play my notes correctly when I perform my solo three weeks from now.”
“I am going to practice a lot so I can play my notes correctly when I perform my solo three weeks from now.”

“I am going to do some research on the Internet looking for stores so I can figure out the best place to buy my baseball cards for my collection this summer.”
“I am going to do some research on the Internet looking for stores so I can figure out the best place to buy my baseball cards for my collection this summer.”

“Each week I am going to add .25 miles onto my run so I can reach a total of 5 miles by the end of this month.”
“Each week I am going to add .25 miles onto my run so I can reach a total of 5 miles by the end of this month.”
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The statement "Each week I am going to add .25 miles onto my run so I can reach a total of 5 miles by the end of this month." could be an example of a properly written long-term goal.

The statement that could be an example of a properly written long-term goal is:

“Each week I am going to add .25 miles onto my run so I can reach a total of 5 miles by the end of this month.”

U sure

Yes, I am sure. The statement, "Each week I am going to add .25 miles onto my run so I can reach a total of 5 miles by the end of this month," is an example of a properly written long-term goal. It is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

To identify the statement that could be an example of a properly written long-term goal, we need to understand what a long-term goal is. A long-term goal is something that you plan to achieve over an extended period of time, usually several weeks, months, or even years. It is something that requires planning, commitment, and consistent effort. Let's look at the provided statements:

1. “When I go to school tomorrow, I am going to pay attention and raise my hand to answer questions.”
This statement is not an example of a long-term goal. It focuses on a specific action to be taken at school tomorrow rather than a larger, long-term objective.

2. “I am going to practice a lot so I can play my notes correctly when I perform my solo three weeks from now.”
This statement could be an example of a properly written long-term goal. It outlines a specific goal (playing notes correctly) to be achieved in three weeks through consistent practice.

3. “I am going to do some research on the Internet looking for stores so I can figure out the best place to buy my baseball cards for my collection this summer.”
This statement does not represent a long-term goal. It describes an action to be taken (researching stores) for a specific purpose (buying baseball cards for the collection), but it does not have a long-term time frame or a clear objective.

4. “Each week I am going to add .25 miles onto my run so I can reach a total of 5 miles by the end of this month.”
This statement could also be an example of a properly written long-term goal. It outlines a clear objective (reaching a total of 5 miles) to be achieved by the end of the current month through incremental weekly progress.

Therefore, the statements that could be examples of properly written long-term goals are:
- "I am going to practice a lot so I can play my notes correctly when I perform my solo three weeks from now."
- "Each week I am going to add .25 miles onto my run so I can reach a total of 5 miles by the end of this month."