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The passing of traits from parents to their children is a biological process called _____.
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The correct answer is heredity.

The passing of traits from parents to their children is a biological process called heredity.

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Yes, I am sure. The passing of traits from parents to their children is indeed a biological process called heredity. It involves the transfer of genetic information from one generation to the next.

The answer to the question "The passing of traits from parents to their children is a biological process called _____" is heredity.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options by using the process of elimination:

1. Environment: This refers to the external factors that can influence individuals, but it does not specifically relate to the passing of traits from parents to children.

2. Gender: This refers to the categorization of individuals as male or female, and is not directly related to the passing of traits from parents to children.

3. Values: This refers to the beliefs and principles that individuals hold and pass on to others, but it does not specifically refer to the passing of physical traits from parents to children.

Thus, the correct answer is heredity, which is the biological process by which traits or characteristics are passed down from parents to their offspring.