Use the passage to answer the question. Which word from the passage araby has a positive connotation? (1 point) Responses charitable charitable former former useless useless littered

The word from the passage that has a positive connotation is "charitable."

Based on the given passage, the word "charitable" has a positive connotation.

To determine which word from the passage "araby" has a positive connotation, we need to analyze the words in the passage. Here are the words and their respective connotations:

1. Charitable: This word has a positive connotation because it implies acts of kindness, generosity, and goodwill.
2. Former: This word does not inherently carry a positive or negative connotation. It simply refers to something that existed or happened earlier.
3. Useless: This word has a negative connotation as it implies something without worth, value, or usefulness.
4. Littered: This word has a negative connotation as it suggests a messy or untidy state.

From these options, the word "charitable" has a positive connotation.