Using the following phrases and the Spanish word hay, describe where things are located in your environment at home. Give three examples in Spanish.

al lado de la/del
encima de la/del
detrás de la/del
delante de la/del
(4 points)

Hay una mesa al lado de la ventana.

Hay un libro encima de la mesa.
Hay una silla detrás de la puerta.
Hay un cuadro delante de la cama.

To describe where things are located in your environment at home using the phrases provided, you can combine them with the Spanish word "hay," which means "there is" or "there are." Here are three examples:

1. Al lado del: "Hay una silla al lado del escritorio." (There is a chair next to the desk.)
2. Encima de la: "Hay un libro encima de la mesa." (There is a book on the table.)
3. Detrás de la: "Hay una puerta detrás de la cortina." (There is a door behind the curtain.)
4. Delante de la: "Hay un espejo delante del armario." (There is a mirror in front of the wardrobe.)

By using these phrases along with the word "hay," you can describe the location of different objects in your home in Spanish.

1. El libro está encima de la mesa.

2. El sofá está delante de la televisión.
3. La cocina está detrás del comedor.