Judy has 100$ and Elenore has 75$. Judy is saving 5$ per day and Elenore is saving 7$ per day. What equation would be used to find out how many days it will take for Judy and Elenore to have the same amount of money saved

Let's represent the number of days as "d".

The equation to find out how many days it will take for Judy and Elenore to have the same amount of money saved is:

100 + 5d = 75 + 7d

To find out how many days it will take for Judy and Elenore to have the same amount of money saved, we can use the equation:

Judy's saved amount + (Judy's saving per day * number of days) = Elenore's saved amount + (Elenore's saving per day * number of days)

Let's represent the number of days as "d".

Plugging in the given values:

100 + (5 * d) = 75 + (7 * d)

Simplifying the equation:

100 + 5d = 75 + 7d

Now we can solve for "d" to determine the number of days it will take for them to have the same amount of money saved.

To find out how many days it will take for Judy and Elenore to have the same amount of money saved, we can set up an equation based on their savings.

Let's say 'd' represents the number of days it takes for them to have the same amount of money saved.

For Judy, the amount of money she saves after 'd' days can be expressed as: 5 dollars per day * d number of days = 5d dollars.

For Elenore, the amount of money she saves after 'd' days can be expressed as: 7 dollars per day * d number of days = 7d dollars.

Since we want to find the number of days it takes for them to have the same amount of money saved, we can set up the equation:

5d = 7d

This equation states that the amount of money Judy saves (5d dollars) is equal to the amount of money Elenore saves (7d dollars).

Now, we can solve this equation to find 'd', the number of days it will take for Judy and Elenore to have the same amount of money saved.