Match each statement with the property that it illustrates.

33) 6 + 2.8 = 2.8 + 6

34) 4w - 3(2 + z) =(w-6-3z

35) 5(- 3/4) = (- 3/4) * 5

a) Distributive Property

b) Commutative Property of Addition

c) Commutative Property of Multiplication

33) b) Commutative Property of Addition

34) a) Distributive Property

35) c) Commutative Property of Multiplication

33) Commutative Property of Addition (b)

34) Distributive Property (a)

35) Commutative Property of Multiplication (c)

To match each statement with the property that it illustrates, we will analyze each statement and identify the property being demonstrated.

33) 6 + 2.8 = 2.8 + 6 - This statement demonstrates the Commutative Property of Addition. It states that when adding two numbers, the order in which they are added does not affect the result.

34) 4w - 3(2 + z) = w - 6 - 3z - This statement illustrates the Distributive Property. It shows how to distribute the multiplication of -3 across the terms (2 + z) inside the parentheses.

35) 5(- 3/4) = (- 3/4) * 5 - This statement represents the Commutative Property of Multiplication. It shows that when multiplying two numbers, the order in which they are multiplied does not affect the result.

Therefore, the answers are:

33) b) Commutative Property of Addition
34) a) Distributive Property
35) c) Commutative Property of Multiplication