Birds use courtship behaviors to attract a mate, which improves their reproductive success. Which courtship behavior also improves their chances of survival?(1 point)

Male sage grouse, normally camouflaged by their dull coloring, dance and call out in the open to attract nearby females.

Male mockingbirds can sing 200 different songs, mocking sounds around them in order to attract females and defend their territory.

Male golden eagles dive at nearly 200 miles per hour and catch sticks in midair as an elaborate courtship and territorial display.

Male birds with bright colors have to preen frequently in order to maintain their feathers and keep pests away so they can attract mates.

Male mockingbirds can sing 200 different songs, mocking sounds around them in order to attract females and defend their territory.

Male birds with bright colors have to preen frequently in order to maintain their feathers and keep pests away so they can attract mates.

The courtship behavior that also improves their chances of survival is the male golden eagles diving at high speed and catching sticks in midair as a courtship and territorial display.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the relationship between courtship behaviors and survival. Courtship behaviors are evolved strategies that birds use to attract mates and increase their reproductive success. By engaging in courtship behaviors, birds enhance their chances of finding a mate and successfully reproducing.

In the options given, the male golden eagles' behavior of diving at high speed and catching sticks in midair serves both as a courtship display and a territorial display. This behavior demonstrates the male's physical prowess, agility, and ability to hunt. It not only attracts females but also deters potential rivals, thereby improving the male's chances of both reproduction and survival.

On the other hand, the courtship behaviors described in the other options primarily focus on attracting mates but do not directly contribute to survival. For instance, the male sage grouse uses dance and calling behavior to attract nearby females, while the male mockingbirds sing a variety of songs to attract females and defend their territory. These behaviors, although effective in attracting mates, do not provide a direct survival advantage.

Therefore, the male golden eagles' courtship behavior of diving and catching sticks in midair represents a courtship display that also improves their chances of survival.