Calculate 4.8×10^-3 - 9.4×10^-6. Express the answer in scientific notation rounding to 2 decimal places

4.8×10^-3 - 9.4×10^-6 can be rewritten as (4.8 - 0.0094) × 10^-3.

Calculating (4.8 - 0.0094) gives 4.7.

Therefore, the answer in scientific notation, rounded to 2 decimal places, is 4.7 × 10^-3.

To subtract the given numbers in scientific notation, we need to make sure that both numbers have the same exponent. The larger exponent in this case is -3, so we need to rewrite 9.4×10^-6 as a number with an exponent of -3.

9.4×10^-6 can be written as 0.0094×10^-3 since moving the decimal point three places to the right doesn't change the value.

Now we can subtract the numbers:

4.8×10^-3 - 0.0094×10^-3

To subtract, we simply subtract the coefficients:

4.8 - 0.0094 = 4.7906

We keep the higher exponent, which is -3, and express the answer in scientific notation:

4.7906×10^-3 (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Therefore, the answer is 4.79×10^-3.

To subtract these numbers in scientific notation, we need to ensure that the exponents are the same. In this case, we can convert both 4.8×10^-3 and 9.4×10^-6 to have the same exponent.

First, we'll convert 4.8×10^-3 to 4.8×10^-6 by multiplying by 1,000. This gives us (4.8 × 1,000)×10^-9 = 4,800×10^-9.

Now we can subtract: 4,800×10^-9 - 9.4×10^-6. Let's align the decimal points:

- 0.0094×10^-6

Now we can subtract the decimal numbers:

4,800.00 - 0.0094 = 4,799.9906

Since we are rounding to 2 decimal places, the answer is: 4,799.99.

Finally, we need to express the answer in scientific notation. Since the decimal point is after the 9 in 4,799.99, we can write this as 4.79999×10^3.

Therefore, the answer is 4.79999×10^3 in scientific notation, rounded to 2 decimal places.