4(- 15)

The expression 4(- 15) can be simplified as follows:

4(-15) = -60

To solve the expression 4(-15), we need to multiply 4 by -15. This can be done by multiplying the numerical values together while keeping the sign of the negative number.

So, multiplying 4 by -15 gives us:

4 * (-15) = -60

Therefore, the value of the expression 4(-15) is -60.

To solve the expression 4(-15), follow the order of operations, which is commonly known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction).

First, you perform the operation inside the parentheses: -15.

Next, you multiply 4 by -15:

4(-15) = -60.

So, 4(-15) equals -60.