Janiya found that her playlist will play for 3.8×10^2 seconds, 6.3 ×10^5 minutes, 1.05 ×10^4 hours, or 4.39814 ×10^2 days. Which answer uses the most appropriate units?(1 point)


The answer that uses the most appropriate units is 4.39814 ×10^2 days.

The answer that uses the most appropriate units is 4.39814 ×10^2 days.

To determine the answer that uses the most appropriate units, we need to consider the magnitude of the time duration.

Let's compare the given options:
- 3.8×10^2 seconds: This is a relatively small unit and may not be the most appropriate for long playlists.
- 6.3 ×10^5 minutes: This is a larger unit than seconds but may still not be the most suitable for long durations.
- 1.05 ×10^4 hours: This unit is larger than both seconds and minutes, and could be a more appropriate choice.
- 4.39814 ×10^2 days: This is the largest unit provided and would likely be the most appropriate option for long playlists.

Therefore, the answer that uses the most appropriate units would be "4.39814 ×10^2 days."