Which event spread Islam to India?

A. conquest by invading Turks~~

B. the rise of the Mughal empire

C. Xuanzang's journey to India

D. the conversion of Akbar to Islam

What strengthened the economic and political power of the Chola empire?

A. new religious beliefs

B. maritime trade networks~~

C. brilliant bodhisattva leaders

D. new agricultural techniques

Which movement led to changes in how Hinduism was practiced?

A. Vishnu

B. Bhakti~~

C. Devi

D. Nanak

Which beliefs influenced Sikhism?

A. Christianity and Judaism

B. Hinduism and Judaism

C. Hinduism and Islam ~~

D. Islam and Christianity

The event that spread Islam to India was A. conquest by invading Turks.

The factor that strengthened the economic and political power of the Chola empire was B. maritime trade networks.

The movement that led to changes in how Hinduism was practiced was B. Bhakti.

The beliefs that influenced Sikhism were C. Hinduism and Islam.

The event that spread Islam to India is A. conquest by invading Turks.

The factor that strengthened the economic and political power of the Chola empire is B. maritime trade networks.

The movement that led to changes in how Hinduism was practiced is B. Bhakti.

The beliefs that influenced Sikhism are C. Hinduism and Islam.

To answer the question "Which event spread Islam to India?" the answer is B. the rise of the Mughal empire.

To explain how to get the answer, it helps to have some background knowledge. The Mughal Empire was a powerful Muslim dynasty that ruled over parts of the Indian subcontinent from the 16th to the 19th centuries. The Mughals were known for their expansionist policies and their promotion of Islam.

To determine which event spread Islam to India, we can eliminate options A, C, and D. The conversion of Akbar to Islam and Xuanzang's journey to India may have had some impact on the dissemination of Islam, but they were not major events that spread the religion throughout the region. Additionally, option A, the conquest by invading Turks, is not the correct answer because it does not specifically refer to the spread of Islam to India.

Therefore, the most logical answer is B, the rise of the Mughal empire. The Mughals' rule and their patronage of Islam played a significant role in spreading Islam to India.

Moving on to the next question, "What strengthened the economic and political power of the Chola empire?" the answer is B. maritime trade networks.

To determine the answer, we need to consider the strengths of the Chola empire and its historical context. The Chola empire was a powerful medieval South Indian kingdom that flourished between the 9th and 13th centuries. They were maritime pioneers and had extensive trade and naval networks.

Options A, C, and D can be eliminated since new religious beliefs, brilliant bodhisattva leaders, and new agricultural techniques are not directly associated with the economic and political power of the Chola empire. The Cholas' expertise in maritime trade and their control over trade routes in the Indian Ocean contributed significantly to their economic and political dominance.

Moving on to the third question, "Which movement led to changes in how Hinduism was practiced?" the answer is B. Bhakti.

To determine the answer, we need to understand the concept of Bhakti. Bhakti was a devotional movement in Hinduism that emerged around the medieval period. It emphasized personal devotion to a specific deity and direct connection to God through love and devotion.

Options A, C, and D can be eliminated because Vishnu, Devi, and Nanak are associated with specific deities or religious figures, but they do not refer to a broader movement that impacted the practice of Hinduism. The Bhakti movement brought about significant changes in how Hinduism was practiced, emphasizing individual devotion and breaking away from strict rituals and caste-based norms.

Finally, for the question "Which beliefs influenced Sikhism?" the answer is C. Hinduism and Islam.

To determine the answer, we need to understand the origins and influences on Sikhism. Sikhism emerged in the 15th century in Punjab, a region in present-day India and Pakistan. Sikhism was influenced by the teachings of both Hinduism and Islam.

Options A and B can be eliminated since Christianity and Judaism are not directly associated with the influences on Sikhism. While there may have been some cultural and historical interactions between Sikhism and these religions, they did not influence the core beliefs of Sikhism.

Therefore, the most accurate answer is C. Hinduism and Islam, as Sikhism incorporated elements from both religions while also developing its own unique doctrines.