In a small bay that contains a coral reef, the water temperature has remained the same for decades. Recently, scientists discovered that the water temperature in the bay has increased by 1°C. Which is most likely to happen?(1 point) Responses The coral reef will undergo a period of intense growth. The coral reef will undergo a period of intense growth. The coral in the reef will gain more zooxanthellae. The coral in the reef will gain more zooxanthellae. The corals in the reef will immediately die. The corals in the reef will immediately die. The coral reef will experience a bleaching event.

The coral reef will experience a bleaching event.

The most likely scenario is that the coral reef will experience a bleaching event.

The most likely scenario in this situation is that the coral reef will experience a bleaching event. To understand why this is the most likely outcome, let me explain the relationship between coral reefs and water temperature.

Coral reefs are composed of tiny organisms called coral polyps, which have a symbiotic relationship with a type of algae called zooxanthellae. The zooxanthellae live within the cells of the coral polyps and provide them with food through photosynthesis. This relationship is crucial for the survival and growth of coral reefs.

When water temperatures rise, it can cause stress to the coral polyps. As a result, they may expel the zooxanthellae from their cells in a process known as bleaching. Bleached corals appear white because without the colorful pigments of the zooxanthellae, the white skeleton of the coral becomes visible. This is a sign of a stressed and potentially unhealthy coral reef.

In this case, the small bay has experienced a sudden increase in water temperature by 1°C. While this may not seem significant, even a slight change in temperature can disrupt the delicate balance of the coral reef ecosystem. The increased temperature could lead to thermal stress, causing the coral polyps to expel their zooxanthellae and undergo bleaching.

Therefore, the most likely outcome is that the coral reef in the bay will experience a bleaching event. It is important to note that the actual response of the coral reef may vary based on factors such as the duration and severity of the temperature increase, as well as the overall health and resilience of the reef. However, based on the information provided, bleaching is the most probable scenario.