What is the definition of civic-mindedness?

paying attention to the needs of one's community

treating others with respect

following the newspaper on a daily basis

following and showing respect for the law

Civic-mindedness refers to being actively and responsibly involved in and concerned about the well-being of one's community and its members. It involves paying attention to the needs of the community, working towards its betterment, and actively participating in community activities, events, and decision-making processes. Beyond just being aware of the needs of others, civic-mindedness includes treating others with respect and empathy, following and showing respect for the law, and staying informed about local issues through various sources, such as newspapers.

To find the definition of civic-mindedness, you can consult various reliable sources such as dictionaries or trusted websites. One popular online dictionary is Merriam-Webster. Here's how you can use it to find the definition:

1. Open a web browser and go to the Merriam-Webster website (www.merriam-webster.com).
2. On the homepage, you'll find a search bar.
3. Type "civic-mindedness" into the search bar and press Enter or click on the magnifying glass icon.
4. The search results page will display the definition of "civic-mindedness" if it is available. From the results, you can click on the relevant link to access the full definition.

Based on the given options, the most accurate definition of civic-mindedness is "paying attention to the needs of one's community" and "treating others with respect." Although staying informed by following the newspaper or showing respect for the law can be part of civic-mindedness, they alone do not fully capture the concept. Civic-mindedness involves actively engaging with and contributing to the well-being of one's community.

Civic-mindedness refers to the attitude or behavior of individuals who actively engage in their community, taking into consideration the needs and well-being of others within that community. This can include aspects such as paying attention to the needs of one's community, treating others with respect, following the law, and staying informed about current events through sources like newspapers or other media.