The domino theory of accident causation posits that injuries result from one specific factor.true or false

False. The domino theory of accident causation posits that injuries result from a chain of events or factors, rather than one specific factor.

False. The domino theory of accident causation posits that injuries result from a chain of multiple factors or events, similar to a series of falling dominos. According to this theory, accidents are not caused by a single factor, but rather by a sequence of interrelated factors that ultimately lead to an injury or accident.

The statement is false. The domino theory of accident causation suggests that injuries do not result from a single specific factor, but rather from a series of interconnected events and conditions. According to this theory, accidents occur due to a sequence of factors that act together, much like a row of dominos falling one after another.

To find the answer to this question, one can start by understanding the basic premise of the domino theory of accident causation. Then, by evaluating the given statement against the theory's principles, it becomes clear that injuries are not attributed to a singular factor in this theory.