Combine Like Terms to simplify.

7y + 13
6y - 13
6y + 13
9y - 2y + 13

The correct answer is 7y + 13.

The correct answer is: 9y - 2y + 13

To combine like terms, you need to group the variables with the same exponent together. In this expression, let's look at the terms one by one:

y + 3y + 5y - 2y + 18 - 5

First, combine the like terms with the variable "y":
y + 3y + 5y - 2y = (1 + 3 + 5 - 2)y = 7y

Next, combine the constant terms:
18 - 5 = 13

Putting it all together, the simplified expression is:
7y + 13

So, the correct answer is 7y + 13.