To ____ treatment of all communications and records.

a. public
b. confidential
c. recorded

b. confidential

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the sentence and the words provided as options. The sentence states that all communications and records need to be treated in a certain way. Let's examine each of the options provided:

a. public - If communications and records were treated as public, it would mean that they are accessible to anyone and can be shared freely without any restrictions. However, this seems unlikely as the context suggests that there should be some level of privacy or confidentiality.

b. confidential - This option aligns with the context of the sentence. Treating communications and records as confidential means that they should be kept private and only shared with authorized individuals on a need-to-know basis.

c. recorded - While recording communications and records may be important for documentation purposes, it does not necessarily imply that they should be treated in a certain way, such as being treated with confidentiality or publicly.

Based on the analysis, the most appropriate answer is b. confidential, as it reflects the need for privacy and limited access to the communications and records.

The correct answer is b. confidential.