Germanic rulers used Salic Law and Christian conversion to(1 point) Responses suppress the power of the Roman Catholic Church. suppress the power of the Roman Catholic Church. create cultural unity across central Europe. create cultural unity across central Europe. ensure that their sons would become warlords after them. ensure that their sons would become warlords after them. create absolute monarchies. create absolute monarchies.

suppress the power of the Roman Catholic Church.

Germanic rulers used Salic Law and Christian conversion to create cultural unity across central Europe and ensure that their sons would become warlords after them.

To answer this question, we need to understand the historical context of Germanic rulers and their strategies. Salic Law and Christian conversion were indeed used by Germanic rulers for various purposes, so let's break it down:

1. Germanic rulers used Salic Law: Salic Law was a legal code followed by the Salian Franks, a Germanic tribe. It established rules regarding inheritance and succession to the throne, typically excluding women from inheriting the throne. By implementing Salic Law, Germanic rulers ensured that their sons would become warlords after them, as mentioned in one of the options.

2. Germanic rulers used Christian conversion: During the Early Middle Ages, Germanic tribes, including the Franks, began converting to Christianity. This conversion had multiple effects. First, it helped to establish closer ties with the Roman Catholic Church and gain its support. Second, it helped to legitimize the rule of Germanic rulers by associating them with the Church and its authority.

Now, let's analyze the options presented:

- Suppress the power of the Roman Catholic Church: This option is incorrect because Germanic rulers did not seek to suppress the Church's power. Instead, they sought to ally with the Church and gain its support.

- Create cultural unity across central Europe: This option is plausible to some extent. By embracing Christianity and adopting similar religious practices, Germanic rulers aimed to create a sense of cultural unity among their subjects.

- Ensure that their sons would become warlords after them: This option aligns with the use of Salic Law, which aimed to secure succession within the ruling family and ensure that sons would inherit power.

- Create absolute monarchies: The concept of absolute monarchy did not fully exist during the period when Germanic rulers were in power. While they held significant authority, their rule still relied on the support of nobles and other powerful figures.

Considering all this, the correct answer would be "ensure that their sons would become warlords after them" as Salic Law was used to secure succession. Additionally, the adoption of Christianity aimed to strengthen their rule by associating themselves with the Church's authority.