10. On a Map, 1 inch represents 20 miles. The distance between 2 towns is 6 1/5 inches. How many miles are actually between the two towns?

65 miles
84 miles
124 miles
138 miles
145 miles

To find the actual distance between the two towns, we need to use the scale which tells us that 1 inch represents 20 miles.

If 1 inch represents 20 miles, then 6 1/5 inches would represent 6 1/5 times 20 miles.

To multiply 6 1/5 by 20, we first convert the mixed number 6 1/5 to an improper fraction.

6 1/5 = (5*6 + 1)/5 = 31/5

Now, we can multiply 31/5 by 20:

(31/5) * 20 = 620/5

Simplifying the fraction, we have:

620/5 = 124

Therefore, the actual distance between the two towns is 124 miles.

The answer is 124 miles.

To find the actual distance between the two towns, we need to convert the scale of the map into miles.

The scale of the map is given as 1 inch represents 20 miles. This means that for every inch on the map, there is a corresponding distance of 20 miles in real life.

In this case, the distance between the two towns is given as 6 1/5 inches. To convert this into miles, we multiply the inches by the scale of 20 miles per inch.

6 1/5 inches = 6 + 1/5 = 6 + 0.2 = 6.2 inches

Now, we can multiply the distance in inches by the scale to find the actual distance in miles:

6.2 inches * 20 miles/inch = 124 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between the two towns is 124 miles.

So, the correct answer is 124 miles.

To find the number of miles between the two towns, we need to convert the given distance on the map into actual miles.

Given that 1 inch on the map represents 20 miles, we can multiply the given map distance by 20 to find the actual distance between the two towns:

6 1/5 inches × 20 miles/inch

To multiply the mixed number by a whole number, we first convert the mixed number to an improper fraction:

6 1/5 = (5 × 6 + 1)/5 = 31/5

Now we can multiply the fractions:

(31/5) × 20 miles/inch

Multiplying the fractions gives us:

(31 × 20) / (5 × 1) miles

Simplifying, we have:

620 / 5 miles

This equals:

124 miles

So, the actual distance between the two towns is 124 miles. Therefore, the correct answer is 124 miles.