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Make a story with detail write it as if you were a 15 year old boy who lives there, his fathers name is Richard Greensburg.
1st person point of view
Write a Estate story, for me please

Hello My name is Coblem Greensburg. My friends make fun of my name a lot they say if the just remove the C in Coblem, and add PR you get Problem, my brother started that and my brothers and sisters call me problem most of the time. My older brother say i get in to a lot of trouble. My mother ( or mamma as we call her) say it fits me too.I don't really like it., I like going hunting with my friends. I am 15 years old and I live in the Greensburg estate it is a nice place.
I like playing with my brother and sisters. Though they sometimes annoy me.
My father leaves the house for hours everyday, I hear his horse leave in the morning.
I love my falcon. I am going to let you read everything that happened today.

Dear Journal

Today was a pretty day. After breakfast I left with my two older brothers to go hunting we each took are

own horses and headed towards the forest near our estate. We were searching for some deer to bring back for dinner. As we rode through the tall grass, the wind blew against my face and I could smell the fresh scent of nature. It always makes me feel alive.

I was riding my horse, Rocky, who is a beautiful chestnut color. He's my favorite horse, and we have a special bond. He understands me and always listens to my commands. As we rode, I could feel his powerful muscles ripple beneath me, the rhythmic thump of his hooves against the ground creating a soothing rhythm.

After a while, we reached the edge of the forest. My brothers and I split up to cover more ground. I urged Rocky to gallop deeper into the woods, hoping to catch a glimpse of a deer. We rode for what felt like hours, scanning the area with keen eyes.

Suddenly, I spotted a deer grazing peacefully by a small stream. It was a magnificent creature, its antlers tall and proud. Slowly, I raised my bow and arrow, taking careful aim. I held my breath, focusing all my energy on hitting my target. With a swift release, the arrow shot through the air and struck the deer's side.

The animal let out a cry of pain before collapsing to the ground. I dismounted Rocky and approached the deer cautiously, feeling a mix of excitement and sadness. With a swift movement, I ended its suffering, sending a silent prayer to the spirits of the forest.

As I loaded the deer onto Rocky's back, my brothers emerged from the forest, carrying their own successful kills. We shared a proud smile, knowing that our hunt was a success. Together, we rode back to the estate, the warm sunset casting a golden glow over the fields.

Upon our arrival, we were greeted by my mamma. Her warm smile and hearty laughter always make me feel at home. She helped us prepare the deer for dinner, showing us the proper way to skin and butcher it. My brothers and I eagerly watched and learned, grateful for the knowledge she passed down to us.

As the sun dipped beneath the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, my father, Richard Greensburg, returned from whatever he does during the day. He inspected our kills, ensuring we had made a clean and ethical hunt. He praised us for our skills and reminded us to always respect nature. My father is a wise man, and I look up to him.

That evening, we gathered around the dining table, feasting on a delicious meal of roasted venison. Our laughter filled the room, mixed with stories of our adventures from the day. Even though my name might bring teasing, I am proud to be a Greensburg, living on this beautiful estate surrounded by nature and family.

I can't wait for tomorrow's adventures, for each day holds something new and exciting. With my family by my side, I know that life on the Greensburg estate will always be filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories.

Until next time, Journal.

Yours truly,
Coblem Greensburg

own rifles and headed towards the forest behind our house. As we walked through the tall trees, I could feel the cool breeze on my skin and smell the fresh scent of nature. It always made me feel alive.

We were on the lookout for deer, rabbits, or maybe even a wild boar. Hunting was something my father taught me, and it made me feel connected to nature and our family's history. My older brothers, James and Samuel, were really good at it and always tried to give me tips. They said that one day, I would be as skilled as them, but I definitely had a long way to go.

We walked for what felt like hours until we finally spotted a herd of deer grazing in a clearing. My heart started pounding with excitement. I carefully aimed my rifle and took a deep breath, trying to steady my trembling hands. Suddenly, a loud crash came from the bushes nearby, scaring away the deer. I looked towards the noise and saw a bear emerging from the bushes. It was huge, much bigger than any bear I had ever seen.

Fear gripped my heart as the bear started to approach us. James and Samuel quickly loaded their rifles and yelled for us to retreat. We ran as fast as we could, adrenaline pumping through our veins. The bear was gaining on us, its heavy footsteps echoing behind us. Somehow, we managed to reach a tall tree and scrambled up its branches just in time.

Crouched on the tree branches, we watched the bear sniffing around the base of the tree. Its eyes filled with hunger and determination. My heart was pounding so hard, I thought it might burst out of my chest. The bear prowled around for what felt like eternity before finally turning away and disappearing back into the forest.

We stayed in that tree for what felt like hours, too afraid to move. Eventually, James suggested we head back home. Cautiously, we climbed down the tree and made our way back to the estate. As we approached, I saw my father standing by the stable, his face filled with worry. He looked relieved when he saw us.

After a stern lecture from my father about being more careful, we all found ourselves laughing about the encounter with the bear. My mother scolded us as well but couldn't hide the pride in her eyes. She said we were brave like our father.

As I sit here in my room, writing in my journal, I can't help but feel a sense of gratefulness. Grateful for the adventure, the thrill, and the bond I share with my family. Life in the Greensburg estate may have its challenges, but it also has its moments of excitement and joy. And for that, I am truly lucky.

own horses and our hunting dogs followed behind. We rode through the estate, passing by the beautiful gardens and the stables where our horses are kept. My favorite horse is named Thunder, he's a strong and majestic black stallion.

As we rode further into the forest, I could feel the excitement building up inside me. Hunting is a thrilling experience, and I always hope to catch a big game. My brothers and I are trained by our father, Richard Greensburg, who is a skilled hunter himself. He knows all about tracking and shooting, and he has taught us the art of patience and precision.

After a while, we reached a clearing in the woods. We tied our horses to nearby trees and released our hunting dogs. These loyal companions, named Max and Rex, are specially trained to track animals and retrieve them once we've taken our shots. They are crucial in our hunting endeavors.

We walked silently through the forest, carefully observing our surroundings. The air was crisp and filled with the scent of pine trees. The sun filtered through the leaves, creating a beautiful mosaic of light and shadow.

We had been hunting for a while when suddenly, the sound of rustling leaves caught our attention. As one, we froze and concealed ourselves behind the trees. Peering through the leaves, we spotted a magnificent deer grazing peacefully in a meadow. Its antlers gleamed in the sunlight, an impressive sight to behold.

My heart raced with excitement as my brothers signaled for me to take the shot. I carefully steadied my hands, aiming the crossbow my father had given me. Taking a deep breath, I released the arrow, and it flew through the air, hitting the deer with precision. It let out a brief cry before collapsing to the ground.

Max and Rex sprang into action, running towards the fallen deer. They retrieved it and brought it back to us with wagging tails. It was a successful hunt, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

We thanked the deer for its sacrifice, as our father had taught us to do. We knew that hunting wasn't just about the thrill of the chase, but also about respecting nature and appreciating the balance between humans and animals. We would use the meat for our family's meals and make sure nothing went to waste.

As we made our way back to our horses, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Hunting had always been a way for me to connect with my family and the nature that surrounds our estate. It's moments like these that make me grateful for the upbringing I have and the adventures I get to experience.

So here I am, sitting in my room, writing in my journal, reliving the excitement of today's hunt. Tomorrow is a new day, and who knows what adventures await me in our Greensburg estate.