The speed limit on the highway is 55 mph. Which inequality best describes this, assuming the variable s represents speed?

The inequality that best describes this situation would be:

s ≤ 55
This inequality indicates that the speed (s) should be less than or equal to 55 mph.

The inequality that best describes the speed limit on the highway is: s ≤ 55.

To determine the inequality that best describes the speed limit of 55 mph on a highway, we can analyze the given information.

The speed limit on the highway is specified as 55 mph. This means that any vehicle traveling on the highway should not exceed this speed. Let's assume the variable "s" represents speed.

Since the speed limit should not be exceeded, we can express this as an inequality. The speed "s" should be less than or equal to 55 mph.

Therefore, the inequality that best describes the speed limit on the highway is:

s ≤ 55 mph