A tiger sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day. How many hours will a tiger sleep in 7 weeks

To find out how many hours a tiger will sleep in 7 weeks, we need to multiply the number of hours it sleeps per day by the number of days in 7 weeks.

Since a tiger sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day, we can assume it sleeps an average of 19 hours.

There are 7 days in a week, so the number of days in 7 weeks is 7 * 7 = 49 days.

Therefore, the tiger would sleep for a total of 19 hours/day * 49 days = 931 hours in 7 weeks.

To figure out how many hours a tiger will sleep in 7 weeks, we first need to determine how many hours a tiger sleeps in a day, and then multiply that by the number of days in 7 weeks.

Given that a tiger sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day, let's take the average and use 19 hours for our calculation. Keep in mind that this is an approximation, as sleep patterns may vary individually.

So in a day, a tiger sleeps 19 hours.

Now, to find the total number of hours in 7 weeks, we need to know how many days are in 7 weeks. Since there are 7 days in a week, we can multiply 7 by the number of weeks:

7 weeks * 7 days/week = 49 days

Finally, we multiply the number of days by the number of hours a tiger sleeps in a day:

49 days * 19 hours/day = 931 hours

Therefore, a tiger would sleep approximately 931 hours in 7 weeks, assuming it sleeps 19 hours a day on average.

To determine how many hours a tiger will sleep in 7 weeks, we need to calculate the total number of hours in 7 weeks and then multiply it by the average number of hours a tiger sleeps per day.

1. Start by calculating the total number of hours in 7 weeks:
- There are 7 days in a week, so 7 weeks will consist of 7 x 7 = 49 days.
- Since each day has 24 hours, the total number of hours in 7 weeks is 49 x 24 = 1,176 hours.

2. Multiply the total number of hours in 7 weeks by the average number of hours a tiger sleeps per day:
- Given that a tiger sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day, we'll take the average of these values, which is (18 + 20) / 2 = 19 hours.
- Multiply this average by the total number of hours in 7 weeks: 19 x 1,176 = 22,344 hours.

Therefore, a tiger will sleep approximately 22,344 hours in 7 weeks.