Cody has 22 rare coins. Each year Cody plans to add 15 coins to his collection. How many years will it take Cody to collect 577 coins?

To collect 577 coins, Cody needs to add 577 - 22 = <<577-22=555>>555 more coins to his collection.

Since Cody adds 15 coins to his collection each year, it will take him 555 / 15 = <<555/15=37>>37 years to collect 555 more coins. Answer: \boxed{37}.

To find out how many years it will take Cody to collect 577 coins, we will set up an equation.

Let "x" represent the number of years it will take.
Since Cody starts with 22 coins and adds 15 coins each year, the total number of coins he will have after "x" years can be represented by the equation:

22 + 15x = 577

To find the value of "x," we will solve this equation.

First, subtract 22 from both sides of the equation:

15x = 577 - 22
15x = 555

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 15:

x = 555 / 15
x ≈ 37

Therefore, it will take Cody approximately 37 years to collect 577 coins.

To find out how many years it will take Cody to collect 577 coins, we can set up an equation.

Let's assume that it takes Cody "x" years to collect the desired number of coins.

In the first year, Cody already has 22 coins.
In the second year, Cody will have 22 + 15 = 37 coins.
In the third year, Cody will have 37 + 15 = 52 coins.

We can see a pattern: Cody will have 22 + 15 * (x-1) coins after "x" years.

We need to solve the equation:

22 + 15 * (x-1) = 577

First, let's simplify:

22 + 15x - 15 = 577

Combine like terms:

15x + 7 = 577

Subtract 7 from both sides:

15x = 570

Divide both sides by 15:

x = 38

Therefore, it will take Cody 38 years to collect a total of 577 coins.

Tom is giving the equation 10x+15=20 to solve. He says the solution is 1/2. Which reason justifies his solution?

If Tom is claiming that the solution to the equation 10x + 15 = 20 is 1/2, we can check his answer by substituting x = 1/2 back into the equation and verifying if the equation holds true.

When we substitute x = 1/2 into the equation, we get:

10(1/2) + 15 = 20
5 + 15 = 20
20 = 20

The equation holds true, so x = 1/2 is indeed a valid solution to the equation. Therefore, Tom's solution is justified.

Dr. Burrows is measuring the weight of a substance for a science experiment. He added a mystery substance (M) to his experiment. Dr. Burrows used the equation 13.93 + m = 18.0 to find out how much he added. How much of the mystery substance (m) did he add to his experiment?

To find out how much of the mystery substance (m) Dr. Burrows added to his experiment, we can solve the equation 13.93 + m = 18.0 for m.

First, subtract 13.93 from both sides of the equation:

13.93 + m - 13.93 = 18.0 - 13.93

This simplifies to:

m = 4.07

Therefore, Dr. Burrows added 4.07 units of the mystery substance (m) to his experiment.

five times what number plus 10 equals 20

To solve the equation "five times what number plus 10 equals 20," we'll represent the unknown number as "x" and set up the equation:

5x + 10 = 20

To solve for x, we'll subtract 10 from both sides of the equation:

5x + 10 - 10 = 20 - 10
5x = 10

Next, we'll divide both sides of the equation by 5 to isolate x:

5x / 5 = 10 / 5
x = 2

Therefore, the number is 2.