The principle of ____ ____ is found in the Constitution and refers to the fact that the power of the government comes from the people.

A Unlimited GovernmentUnlimited Government
B Limited GovernmentLimited Government
C Judicial Review

D Separation of Powers

The principle of Limited Government is found in the Constitution and refers to the fact that the power of the government comes from the people.

The principle of limited government is found in the Constitution and refers to the fact that the power of the government comes from the people.

To understand this principle, we can examine the Constitution itself. Start by reading the Preamble, which states the purpose of the Constitution and sets the foundation for the principles that follow. The Preamble begins with the famous phrase, "We the People," indicating that the government's authority is derived from the citizens it serves.

Additionally, you can look at the various articles and amendments of the Constitution. These outline the powers and responsibilities of the branches of government, such as the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The allocation of powers among these branches helps ensure that no single part of the government becomes too powerful and that the rights and liberties of the people are protected.

The language of the Constitution also emphasizes limitations on government power. For example, the Bill of Rights, which comprises the first ten amendments, explicitly sets forth individual rights that the government cannot infringe upon.

By examining these key documents and understanding the principles they embody, you can grasp the concept of limited government and recognize that its fundamental idea is that the power of the government is ultimately derived from the people.