Who made up the largest social class of early civilizations?

A. priest and rulers
B. Enslaved people
C. Farmers and skilled workers
D. merchants and traders

C. Farmers and skilled workers

To determine who made up the largest social class of early civilizations, we need to understand the different social groups that existed during that time. Early civilizations were characterized by hierarchical social systems where people were categorized into various classes based on their occupations and roles in society.

A. Priest and rulers: This social group consisted of religious leaders and those in positions of political power. They were responsible for maintaining religious rituals and governing the society.

B. Enslaved people: These individuals were considered the lowest class in ancient civilizations as they were owned as property by others. They were forced to work without freedom or rights.

C. Farmers and skilled workers: This social group comprised the majority of the population in early civilizations. Farmers were essential for food production, while skilled workers like craftsmen, builders, and artisans contributed to the development of various industries.

D. Merchants and traders: This group involved individuals engaged in commercial activities, trading goods and services across different regions.

To determine the largest social class among these options, we need to consider the importance and prevalence of each group in early civilizations. While the priest and ruler class held significant power, it typically consisted of a smaller number of individuals. Enslaved people, although they were unfortunate victims of the slave trade, also represented a smaller percentage of the population.

On the other hand, farmers and skilled workers formed the backbone of early civilizations. The majority of people were engaged in agricultural activities to sustain their communities, while skilled workers played a crucial role in developing essential industries. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Farmers and skilled workers, as they made up the largest social class in early civilizations.

The correct answer is C. Farmers and skilled workers. In early civilizations, such as those in Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, the largest social class consisted of farmers who worked the land to produce food and skilled workers who practiced various crafts and trades.