Which phrase describes Gravitational attraction?

A. how heavy an object feels
b. how objects respond to changes in mass
c. the pull between objects with mass
d. the amount of matter in an object

C. the pull between objects with mass

The correct answer is:

C. the pull between objects with mass

The correct answer is C. The phrase that describes Gravitational attraction is "the pull between objects with mass".

Gravitational attraction refers to the force of gravity, which is the natural force of attraction that exists between any two objects with mass. This force tends to pull objects towards each other. For example, it is the force that keeps us grounded on Earth and causes objects to fall when dropped.

To determine the correct answer, you can use your knowledge of gravity and the properties associated with it. Gravity is a universal force that exists between any two objects with mass, regardless of their size or shape. It is proportional to the mass of the objects involved and decreases with the square of the distance between them. By applying this knowledge, you can eliminate the other options and conclude that gravitational attraction refers to the pull between objects with mass.

Which statement describes the relationship between the mass of two objects and their gravitational attraction toward each other?

A. If the mass of one object increases while the mass of the other object remains the same, then the gravitational attraction remains the same.
b. if the mass of one object increases while the mass of the other object remains the same, then the gravitational attraction increases
d. If the mass of both objects increases by the same amount, the the gravitational attraction remains the same

B. if the mass of one object increases while the mass of the other object remains the same, then the gravitational attraction increases.

Which object will experience the least amount of gravitational attraction toward Earth?

A. a 5-gram pencil
b. a 40-gram eraser
c. a 75-gram calculator
d. a 380-gram cup

A. a 5-gram pencil will experience the least amount of gravitational attraction toward Earth.

Use the table of the masses of several objects to answer the question

paper clip 1.0
penny 2.5
book 860
cereal box 500
small pot 1,200

Between which two objects is gravitational attraction the greatest is placed 1 meter apart?
A. between the paper clip and the penny
b. between the small pot and the book
c. between the penny and the small pot
d. between the book and the cereal box

To determine which two objects have the greatest gravitational attraction between them when placed 1 meter apart, we need to look at their masses. The greater the mass of the objects, the greater the gravitational attraction between them.

Based on the given masses:

- The paper clip has a mass of 1.0 grams
- The penny has a mass of 2.5 grams
- The book has a mass of 860 grams
- The cereal box has a mass of 500 grams
- The small pot has a mass of 1200 grams

To find the two objects with the greatest gravitational attraction, we need to compare the masses. The two objects with the greatest gravitational attraction will be the ones with the highest combined mass.

Comparing the masses, the small pot (1200 grams) and the book (860 grams) have the highest combined mass. Therefore, the answer is:

B. between the small pot and the book.