What major change did people make during the Neolithic agricultural revolution A. Farming B. Hunting C. Trading D. Gathering

A. Farming

The major change that people made during the Neolithic agricultural revolution was A. Farming.

To arrive at this answer, you can look at the context and time period of the Neolithic era. The Neolithic period, also known as the New Stone Age, occurred roughly between 10,000 BCE and 4,500 BCE. During this time, humans transitioned from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled existence in agrarian communities.

One of the key advancements of the Neolithic agricultural revolution was the development of agriculture. People in the Neolithic period began to cultivate crops such as wheat, barley, rice, and millet. They learned to domesticate animals like sheep, goats, and cattle. This allowed them to establish permanent settlements and rely on a more stable food supply.

Consequently, farming became a major change during the Neolithic agricultural revolution, as it revolutionized human society by enabling the growth of larger communities, the development of specialized skills, and the establishment of social structures.

The major change that people made during the Neolithic agricultural revolution was A. Farming.