Which Native American group had gatherers who followed the vast herds of buffalo and relied upon the buffalo for their survival

The Native American group that relied upon the buffalo for their survival and followed the vast herds of buffalo were the Plains Indians.

The Native American group that had gatherers who followed the vast herds of buffalo and relied upon the buffalo for their survival are the Plains Indians.

To find the answer to this question, you can start by researching different Native American groups and their lifestyles. Among the various Native American groups, the Plains Indians, who inhabited the Great Plains region of North America, were known for their close relationship with the buffalo.

The Plains Indians, such as the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Comanche, were nomadic hunter-gatherers who relied heavily on the buffalo for sustenance. They followed the migration patterns of the buffalo herds, setting up temporary camps and using all parts of the buffalo for food, clothing, shelter, and tools. Buffalo provided them with meat, hides for clothing and shelter, bones for tools, and sinew for thread.

Their hunting techniques involved driving the buffalo herds over cliffs or into enclosures, making it easier to kill and process them. These strategies allowed the Plains Indians to sustain their communities and way of life.

By learning about the lifestyle, territory, and hunting practices of different Native American groups, specifically those in the Great Plains region, you can identify the specific group that followed the buffalo herds for survival.

The Native American group that had gatherers who followed the vast herds of buffalo and relied upon the buffalo for their survival were the Plains Indians.