Without external forces, the third generation of a bacterium and the original parent cell will have approximately ________ matching DNA sequences.(1 point)







To determine the percentage of DNA sequences that will match between the third generation of a bacterium and its original parent cell, we need to consider the process of DNA replication and mutation.

In DNA replication, the parent DNA molecule is duplicated to form two identical copies. However, mutations can occur during the replication process, leading to differences between the original parent DNA and subsequent generations.

Each generation of bacteria inherits its DNA from the previous generation, with the potential for new mutations. Therefore, as the number of generations increases, the likelihood of cumulative mutations also increases, resulting in less matching DNA sequences.

Based on this understanding, we can conclude that the percentage of matching DNA sequences between the third generation and the original parent cell will be less than 100%. Therefore, the correct answer is 25%.

Without external forces, the third generation of a bacterium and the original parent cell will have approximately 100% matching DNA sequences.